
Showing posts from May, 2024

Microsoft Word Project - Fraktur

  Halo, selamat datang kembali!!! Kali ini saya akan membahas terkait project Microsoft Word yang selanjutnya yaitu Fraktur. Berikut saya lampirkan di bawah ini : Fraktur Adapun aturan yang saya gunakan pada project ini antara lain : A. Tata Letak Dokumen 1. Margin Margin Top, Left, Bottom, dan Right sebesar 2 cm 2. Orientation Orientasi berupa Potrait 3. Paper Size Ukuran kertas yang digunakan ialah ukuran A4 B. Baris Dokumen 1. Line Spacing Jarak antar baris yang saya gunakan sebesar 1.5 2. Alignment Pada keseluruhan dokumen, menggunakan alignment Justify kecuali pada "Perihal" menggunakan alignment Center. 3. Indentation Pada paragraf terakhir menggunakan indentasi First Line Indent. C. Pengaturan Tabel Pada dokumen ini terdapat 4 tabel, yaitu Kop Perusahaan, Nomor dan Tujuan Surat, Rincian, serta Kolom Tanda Tangan. Tabel Kop Surat Tabel Nomor dan Tujuan Surat Tabel Rincian Tabel Tanda Tangan 1. Tata Letak Dokumen Alignment yang digunakan pada Tabel ialah Left untuk sel r...

Microsoft Word Project - Surat

Halo welcome!!! Selamat datang kembali!! Pada Post ini saya akan membahas mengenai salah satu  project Microsoft Word yang simpel, yaitu pembuatan surat. Jenis surat yang saya gunakan ialah surat lamaran kerja. Berikut saya lampirkan file project  tersebut. Surat Adapun pengaturan yang saya gunakan pada project  ini ialah : A. Tata Letak Dokumen 1. Margin Margin Top, Left, Bottom, dan Right sebesar 2 cm 2. Orientation Orientasi berupa Potrait 3. Paper Size Ukuran kertas yang digunakan ialah ukuran A4 B. Baris Dokumen 1. Line Spacing Jarak antar baris yang saya gunakan sebesar 1.5 2. Alignment Pada keseluruhan dokumen, menggunakan alignment Justify 3. Indentation Indentasi yang digunakan yaitu First Line Indent dan Hanging Line Indent 4. Tabs Untuk Tanggal, Tujuan Surat, Data Pribadi menggunakan Left Tab, sedangkan tempat Tanda Tangan menggunakan Center Tab.

Microsoft Excel Project - Vlookup and Hlookup

  Hey, how are you? Welcome again!! So now we are moving to some complex functions and formulas, which are Vlookup and Hlookup. VLOOKUP & HLOOKUP VLOOKUP is a function to read or find data vertically. The function form is :     =Vlookup(lookup_value;  table_array; column_index_num; range_lookup)     "lookup_value": the value as the basic table reading     "table_array": the range of the reference table     "column_index_num": the number of the column position on the reference table     "range_lookup": TRUE for approximate results, or FALSE for accurate results. HLOOKUP is a function to read or find data horizontally. The function form is :     =Hlookup(lookup_value;  table_array; row_index_num; range_lookup)     "lookup_value": the value as the basic table reading     "table_array": the range of the reference table     "row_index_num": the number of the row position on the refe...

Microsoft Excel Project - Simple Functions and Formulas

 Hey! Welcome back!! In this blog, I will show you a project using simple functions and formulas in Excel. Here is a CPU and Monitor sales report year 2023. I'm sorry in advance that some sentences and words in this report might be in Indonesian.  Feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions or questions about it. Thankyou 😁 CPU and Monitor Sales Report ( Rekapitulasi Penjualan CPU dan Monitor) There are three sub-tables in this report. On the top, there's a company heading. In the middle is the main table containing the sales report. At the bottom is a reference table, which is used for calculating some elements in the sales report. Here are the conditions and functions that I use in this project :  Paper size A4 Landscape orientation Margin 2222 Custom Border and Shading Merge and Center for some merge cells Cells alignment Accounting format number Custom Header Footer The formulas and functions for this project are : Multiplication (*) "HARGA TOTAL" and ...

Microsoft Excel Project - Simple Tabel

 Hello, welcome back!! Last week, I finished Microsoft Office Basic Training organized by BLKIP Bali. I learned a lot about  Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and any other soft skills needed in the workplace. Starting now, I will upload some of my portfolios to show off my skills in Microsoft Office. In this post, I will show you some simple Excel projects, regarding bills and invoices. This project does not include any formulas, just some simple Excel templates. Because the training was in Indonesian, some of the words and sentences in the portfolios might not be in English. Feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions or questions about it. Thankyou 😁 Bills ( Fraktur Tagihan ) Bills Here are the conditions and functions that I use in this project :  Paper size A4 Landscape orientation Margin 2222 Custom Border and Shading Merge and Center for some merge cells Cells alignment Accounting format number Custom Header Footer Invoices Invoice Here are the conditions...